2015 Minnesota Airports Conference

April 15–17, 2015

St. Cloud, MN

About the Event

The annual Minnesota Airports Conference features experts in aviation and aerospace fields sharing their experiences in general assembly presentations, workshops, and open forums. The conference, held in conjunction with the Minnesota Council of Airports annual meeting, also includes technical and safety presentations, an airport tour, an industry trade show, an awards and recognition program, and networking opportunities.

Conference Presentations

MnDOT Aeronautics Update 

Attendees learned about what MnDOT's Office of Aeronautics has been working on this last year and its priorities for the year ahead.

FAA Update

UAVs, PFCs, ALPs, and AIPs—there’s always something happening with acronyms at the FAA. In this session, FAA staff shared updates and answered questions on airport regulations, trends, and funding.


During development of the State Aviation System Plan, stakeholders asked MnDOT to begin a process to review airport safety zoning requirements. Zoning restricts land uses that may affect safety at or near airports, and these restrictions can impact development in communities throughout the state. In this session, attendees heard updates on proposed changes to requirements and had a chance to give input.

Impact of GA on State and Local Economies 

This session highlighted the value general aviation brings to our communities and economy and discussed how airport supporters can help communicate that value to elected officials and neighbors. The session also provided a brief update on federal legislation that could impact airports and general aviation.

How Will the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Impact Your Airport?

This session reviewed the current state of unmanned aircraft systems in the state and country—and how that is affecting both commercial and general aviation airports. Attendees also learned about industry trends and received information on surveying, laser scanning, and imaging applications.

State of the Airport Business with Jeff Hamiel 

 Hear what’s happening on Minnesota’s aviation scene from a leader in the industry in this engaging and popular session.

Pavement Management

Is it time for aviation to focus more on maintenance and less on reconstruction of runway pavements? This session featured a discussion on the financial advantages of a preventive maintenance program.

Airport Geographic Information Systems

GIS can be a cost-effective and efficient tool for managing your airport and operations. In this session, attendees learned about using GIS in airport inspection.

FAA Great Lakes Region Update

This session highlighted FAA initiatives that will affect airports and pilots across the nation and offered insights on current trends and likely future priorities of the FAA that can help airports and their communities prepare.

A Pilot’s Perspective on MN Airports 

Attendees heard about the state of Minnesota’s airports from the general aviation pilot point of view. The session also provided a pilot's perspective on airport funding and planning priorities and discussed how pilots, airports, and other aviation organizations can work together to promote aviation in Minnesota.


The conference is brought to you by the Minnesota Council of Airports and the Minnesota Department of Transportation and facilitated by the Airport Technical Assistance Program (AirTAP).